Interview Q&A with Jewelry Designer Arreyon Collins of Urban Glamafy

I got the chance to ask a few questions to Arreyon Collins the creator of . Arreyon is a fabulous up and coming jewelry designer. She specializes in pieces for the trendy, glamorous , and stylish girl . With her custom pieces  she is sure to take the world by storm one piece of jewelry at a time. Check out her designs at Urban Glamafy  and look glamorous ! 

Arreyon Collins - Creator of Urban Glamafy

1.How did you start your accessory/bikini line ?

AC:I started by Applying  for a Stimulas Obama had for People that attended College, and I've always wanted to open up a Business so recieving the Stimulas it was a perfect opportunity. I also applied of my Whole Sale License in order to buy from some of the Hottest Whole Sale Stores in Los Angeles, and to Protect my Business I applied for a LLC were it protects you if you get sued, and if that happens the person can not take your Business away or personal assets. I came up with the Name before registing it to LLC, got a Web Designer, and the rest is history as they put it.

2.What are your obstacles that you have faced on the road to building your line ?

AC:I try not to see Obstacles I just keep going forward, and have to keep Tunnel Vision with it.

3.How do you handle being a mom and still going for your dreams ?
AC: Wow! Good Question. It does get difficult at times because it's a New Business, and I need to watch it grow like planting a seed. So I have to make sure it Grows Strong Every Day. My Daughter loves my attention all the time so I have to divide my time wisely, and making sure my daughter get's most of my attention everyday, but rotating works as well. I'm also getting back into school so I know that will add to the challenge.

4. How would you describe your line ?

AC: I would Describe my Line Hip Hop Glam. I grew up on Hip Hop so of coruse that would be an influence along with my Swag so it will affect my designing Touch.

5. What do you love most about designing and creating your own jewelry?

AC: Seeing the finished work. I love Designing so I love seeing what the finish product will look like.

6.What do you think makes your jewelry different ?
AC: I think the Glamour, and bubbley Feel to it.
7. How has modeling helped you or influenced you in being a designer ?

AC: I think it's helped me Because of the Confidence I had when I styled most of my shoots it's a plus in it's self. So the Confidence I had in that of course Flowed into my Custom Designs so other people would Love my Designs just as much as I do. Because if you don't Love want you Do then No one will.

8. What is your dream for your success for your business ?
AC: Making sure it's something my Daughter can take over, and would love to build a Brand for sure to hand down she's already my

Be sure to check out more of her designs at


Follow her  @arreyonthemodel

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1 comment:

  1. Omg Looks like cheap tacky ghetto garbage. I am sorry but i would not wear it.


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